Neo4j and machine learning: How to integrate Neo4j with popular ML frameworks

Are you fascinated by the power of machine learning (ML) algorithms? Do you want to learn how to integrate the power of Neo4j graph database with the popular ML frameworks? If yes, then you are at the right place. In this article, we will explore the exciting world of Neo4j and machine learning and discover ways to combine them for building powerful applications. So, let's get started!

What is Neo4j?

Before we proceed, it is important to understand what Neo4j is and its role in application development. Neo4j is a graph database management system that stores data in the form of nodes, edges and properties. It is designed to handle large amounts of data, often in the order of billions of nodes and edges, and provides mechanisms for efficient querying and analysis of the graph data.

The graph data model used in Neo4j is close to the way we perceive and understand the world around us. It is based on the concept of nodes which represent entities, edges which represent relationships between these entities, and properties which represent the attributes of these entities and relationships. This makes Neo4j an ideal choice for applications that work with complex and connected data.

What is machine learning?

Now, let's understand what machine learning is and how it works. Machine learning is a subset of artificial intelligence (AI) that deals with algorithms and statistical models that enable computer systems to learn from and make decisions based on data. It is essentially a way of automating analytical model building by using algorithms that iteratively learn from data.

Machine learning algorithms can be broadly classified into supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and reinforcement learning. In supervised learning, the algorithm learns from labeled data and attempts to predict outcomes for new and unseen data. In unsupervised learning, the algorithm attempts to uncover hidden patterns and relationships in the data without any labeled examples. In reinforcement learning, the algorithm learns to make decisions by interacting with an environment and receiving feedback in the form of rewards or penalties.

Why integrate Neo4j with machine learning?

Integrating Neo4j with machine learning has several benefits. First, it allows us to leverage the power of graph databases for storing and querying connected data. This is particularly useful for applications that deal with social networks, recommendation systems, fraud detection, or any domain where data is intrinsically connected. Second, it enables us to apply machine learning algorithms to the graph data in order to generate insights and predictions that would be difficult to obtain using traditional data analysis techniques. Finally, it allows us to build intelligent applications that can adapt and learn from their environment.

How to integrate Neo4j with popular ML frameworks?

There are several popular machine learning frameworks and libraries available, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. In this section, we will explore some of the popular ML frameworks that can be integrated with Neo4j, along with some examples of how they can be used together.


TensorFlow is an open-source software library for dataflow and differentiable programming across a range of tasks. It is commonly used for machine learning applications such as neural networks and deep learning. TensorFlow has a rich ecosystem of tools and libraries that make it easy to build and train machine learning models.

To integrate TensorFlow with Neo4j, we can use the TensorFlow Graph API. The TensorFlow Graph API allows us to build a graph of computations that can be executed on a distributed system. We can create a graph that represents the data stored in Neo4j and use the TensorFlow API to perform machine learning operations on the graph.

For example, we can use TensorFlow to build a recommendation system for a movie database stored in Neo4j. We can define a graph that represents the movie database and the user preferences, and use TensorFlow to train a model that predicts movie ratings based on user preferences. The trained model can then be used to make recommendations to users based on the movies they have watched and rated.


Scikit-learn is a popular open-source machine learning library that provides simple and efficient tools for data analysis and modeling. It is built on top of popular Python libraries such as NumPy and SciPy, and provides a wide range of algorithms for classification, regression, clustering, and dimensionality reduction.

To integrate Scikit-learn with Neo4j, we can use the Py2neo library. Py2neo is a Python library for working with Neo4j. It provides a high-level API for interacting with Neo4j and allows us to use Scikit-learn to perform machine learning operations on the graph data.

For example, we can use Scikit-learn to build a fraud detection system for a banking application stored in Neo4j. We can define a graph that represents the banking transactions and customer profiles, and use Scikit-learn to train a model that predicts fraudulent transactions based on historical data. The trained model can then be used to flag suspicious transactions for further investigation.

Apache Spark MLlib

Apache Spark is a popular open-source data processing engine that provides a unified analytics engine for big data processing. Spark MLlib is a machine learning library built on top of Apache Spark that provides algorithms for common machine learning tasks such as classification, regression, clustering, and collaborative filtering.

To integrate Apache Spark MLlib with Neo4j, we can use the Spark Connector for Neo4j. The Spark Connector for Neo4j allows us to read and write graph data directly from Apache Spark, and provides an interface for performing machine learning operations on the graph data using Spark MLlib.

For example, we can use Apache Spark MLlib to build a recommendation system for a social network stored in Neo4j. We can define a graph that represents the social network and the user preferences, and use Spark MLlib to train a model that predicts recommendations for users based on their social connections and interests.


In this article, we explored the exciting world of Neo4j and machine learning and discovered ways to combine them for building powerful applications. We learned about the benefits of integrating Neo4j with machine learning and explored some of the popular ML frameworks that can be integrated with Neo4j. We also saw some examples of how these frameworks can be used together to build intelligent applications.

Integrating Neo4j with machine learning is a powerful combination that can enable us to build applications that can adapt and learn from their environment. With the availability of several popular machine learning frameworks and libraries, integrating Neo4j with machine learning has become easier than ever before. So, what are you waiting for? Go ahead and explore the possibilities of Neo4j and machine learning today!

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